The Winter's Tale (New Folger Library Shakespeare)

The Winter's Tale - William Shakespeare It’s Othello-lite. Jealousy without the evil and a focus on redemption instead of despair. Shakespeare starts by leading in with two Acts of tragedy then spins it into a romantic, sort of funny, comedy. It’s a pretty bold switch-up and it fits in with some of the other problem plays like Measure for Measure and Troilus and Cressida better than either the tragedies or comedies.

Autolycus steals the show in the way that only a good-natured rogue can. “Though I am not naturally honest, I am sometimes by chance,” Act 4, Scene 4, lns 838-839. is the sentiment that makes him the favorite. His transgressions are easily forgivable because everyone is usually better off for them.

Everyone, even the raging Leontes, is likeable to a degree in the end. It’s an enjoyable way to spend a couple hours though I didn’t get the same impact from this play as some of Shakespeare’s other plays. Then again, I probably wasn't meant to.